29 October - 15 December 2022, Italy, Bergamo, Leffe,  BACS gallery, "Mediterraneo - The risk society", international curatorial project

“Mare Nostrum”, the video installation by Paolo Vivian will be presented at the BACS gallery in Leffe (Bergamo) as a part of the international curatorial project “Mediterraneo - The risk society” - a collective exhibition and sociological reseach , curated by Patrizia Bonardi. The event organized by the “Artists & Sociologits” association is coordinated by the sociologist of the University of Rome, Katiuscia Carna`. The event is under the patronage of the municipality of Leffe (Bergamo) in collaboration with the EST OROBIE Museum circuit, Val Seriana, “The Cinque Terre della Val Gandino” and the association “The vigils against deaths at sea”. Eleven artists from Italy and Australia and nineteen Italian sociologists and art critics dedicate their research to the theme of migration and its socio-cultural humanitarian problems. On the occasion of the exhibition, a volume with critical and sociological texts will be published, illustrated with the works of the exhibition. Vivian's "Mare Nostrum", hosted in Leffe, after the first presentation in Milan at the Visual Container exhibition space, the Dot Box gallery, and after the presentation in the international project of the New York curator Raul Zamudio "The Cure of Folly", at the gallery Contempo, Pergine TN, presents a poetic impression, dedicated to hope, investigating the concept of external/internal boundaries, through video, sound and photography.

The exhibition will be open until 15 December 2022.

Inauguration: October 29th from 4.30pm to 7.30pm
Location : BACS, via Donizetti 42, Leffe (Bergamo)

download the press release pdf ( in Italian)

4 December 2021 - 20 February 2022, Italy, Pergine Valsugana (Trento), Galleria Contempo,  "Tabula Rasa", personal exhibition

The "Tabula Rasa" exhibition by Paolo Vivian, set up in the spaces of the Galleria Contempo in Pergine Valsugana (Trento) is a sort of "ephemeris" on the valence of models of freedom and social norms during the extraordinary, absurd circumstances caused by the pandemic in past two years. The collection of panels, objects and sculptures is testimony of the search for identity, where the void is no longer an allegory, but takes and establishes its own visible form and its own sublime power. In Vivian's project, curated by Dora Bulart, the philosophical metaphor of tabula rasa is comparable to a personal state of mind and a collective reality during uncertain times, where only the memory and the hope are fertile.
The inauguration will take place on Saturday, 4 December 2021 from 4 to 7 pm The homonymous catalog is published on the occasion of the exhibition with the critical texts in Italian and English. The exhibition runs until February 20, 2022 with opening hours every day from 10 am 12 am and from  3pm to 7 pm;  Saturday from 10 am to 12 am ; Sunday and Monday by appointment, Free admission; booking recommended.

location:  Galleria Contempo, via Tomaso Maier 48a, Pergine Valsugana (TN), 38057, Italy

*Thanks  for support to: Aseptic (Trento), Metalworking (Pergine) and Bandus pizza &grill ( Levico Terme)

download the invitation pdf | download the poster pdf | download the press release pdf


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